Lemon Soda

Lemon Soda

Sun Drop is a soda. A citrus soda to be precise. Its like a giant pipeline of refreshment channeled directly to you, for the sole purpose of quenching your thirst. Get Lemon Lime Soda Pound Cake Recipe from Food NetworkIt has a very strong effect over cysts and tumors. This fruit can cure cancer, it is tested on all types of cancer, and if baking soda is added it will have even bigger effect, because it will normalize the p. H value in the body. Also lemons have very strong anti microbial effect with very wide range of activity against fungal and bacterial infections. Lemons are effective against worms and internal parasites. It is a powerful antidepressant and regulates the blood pressure, reduces stress and calms the nerves. An interesting fact is the source of this information It comes from one of the largest producers of medications, which says that after 2. Lemon destroys carcinogenic cells in 1. Also it prevents the spread of carcinogenic cells and has 1. Even more interesting is the fact that this kind of treatment with lemon and baking soda only destroys the carcinogenic cells and does not affect the healthy cells. Marinating Steak. The preparation is very simple, mix 2 d. L aprox. 6. 8 oz lemon juice with one teaspoon of baking soda in a cup, optional you can diluted the mixture with a distilled water and the miraculous drink is readyConsume the drink before breakfast on a empty stomach for better effect. To have even bigger effect it is best to use organic lemon. Organic lemon is 1. Also an interesting fact is that this remedy does not have the terrible side effects that are typical for the chemotherapy. Source Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud, L. L. C. 8. 19 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 1. You have our permission to reprint this article via creative commons license if you attribute us with a live backlink to this article. Best Herbal Health.

Lemon Soda
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