Cup to gallon conversion cup to gal helps you to calculate how many gallon in a cup volume metric units, also list cup to gal conversion table. Quickly convert gallons into cups gallon to cup using the online calculator for metric conversions and more. Cups to gallons fluid and dry printable conversion table and converter. Stromboli Recipe Easy here. How many gallons in cups A U. S. gallon is equal to 128 U. S. fluid ounces, or about 3. It should not be confused with the imperial gallon used in the United Kingdom. Convert Cups to Gallons Fluid volume. Converting a cup fluid volume measurement to a gallon measurement involves multiplying your fluid volume by the conversion ratio. A cup is equal to 0. For example, 5cup 5 0. Cups and gallons are both units used to measure fluid volume. Learn more about fluid volume and. A cup is an imperial measurement and can be abbreviated as cup, for example 1cup. A gallon is an imperial measurement and can be abbreviated as gal, for example 1gal. Convert Cups To Gallons' title='Convert Cups To Gallons' />Convert cups to gallons cup to gal and learn fluid volume conversion formulas. Gallons to Cups gal to cup conversion calculator for Volume conversions with additional tables and formulas. Online calculators to convert US cups to US gallons US cup to US gal and US gallons to US cups US gal to US cup. Our conversions provide a quick and easy way to.