In nutrition, diet is the sum of food consumed by a person or other organism. The word diet often implies the use of specific intake of nutrition for health or weight. Dear Korean, I have been trying to lose weight. I have lost some, but I am down to the last ten pounds, and can not seem to dispel the weight. How To Bake Pork Tenderloin. Most of the. Lose weight with an easytofollow Vegetarian plan Packed with protein, fiber and vitamins to help keep you healthy and feeling full as you lose weight. Learn moreWays Your Vegetarian Diet Might Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss. When you axe meat from your diet, you may be swapping that chicken stir fry for a falafel pitaand paying for it on the scale. Dont be a French fry vegetarian Just because it fits your criteria of being fit for a vegetarian diet doesnt mean its healthy for you, says Esther Blum, R. D., author of Cavewomen Dont Get Fat. Keep your carbs whole food based. They should not come in a package with more than five ingredientsunless theyre herbs and spices. Reach for sweet potatoes, butternut squash, any winter squash, plantains, yucca, beans, or lentils versus white flour carbs like bread, muffins, bagels, Blum says. If you want tortillas, she likes the kind made with cassava and coconut flours. Whole food carbs are best because they dont provoke an insulin response in the body, like white flour, or processed carbs, Blum explains. They dont spike your blood sugar, they keep it stable for hours, and theyre also the richest in nutrition, she says. New research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition reveals that dieters not only lose weight more effectively when going on a vegetarian diet. Once something has been ground and turned into a flour, and then baked, it doesnt retain the nutrition and it spikes your blood sugar, which can lead to weight gain or make it very hard to lose weight. If you wanted to go vegan, then check out these top 5 vegetarian diets to lose weight. These diet plan includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, soya, etc. Expert Reviewed. wiki How to Gain Weight As a Vegetarian. Two Methods Gaining Weight on a Vegan Diet Gaining Weight with Dairy and Eggs Community QA.