Chia Seed Puddings. Chia seed puddings are a simple, easy and versatile way to enjoy chia seeds. You can use black or white seeds, or milled chia seeds to make a pudding, and you can use any type of milk, be it cow, sheep or goat milk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk or oat milk. The pudding can be made with hot or cold milk. The taste is fairly bland, so I like to add fruit to my chia puddings. For me, the fruit adds enough sweetness, but you can sweeten your puddings with a little honey or stevia. For a real taste treat add a little granulated coconut palm sugar. This sugar is low in GI and full of vitamins and minerals, making it a healthy alternative to normal cane sugar. C Pudney. You can find the recipe for the above pudding here. You can make your pudding thick or thin, depending on the amount of chia seeds you add to your milk, and also depending on where your chia seeds are grown and the sort of weather conditions the crop experienced. The seeds absorb 9 to 1. Have you heard about the ketogenic diet Its possibly the best diet for weight loss help prevent disease. My keto smoothie is an easy way to get started. Clean Eating Pineapple Protein Chia Seed Pudding made with 4 clean ingredients and its raw, vegan, glutenfree, dairyfree, paleo and contains no refined sugar. Here is a recipe for Raw Hemp and Chia Seed Bars that is a healthy and nutrientdense raw food snack. They pretty much have all of my favorite ingredientshemp. Searching for Chia Seed 1 Pound Seeds by Greens Plus Shop now for free shipping on orders over 25. Chia Seed Side Effects and Allergic Reactions. The tiny oval seeds of the Chia plant were a staple, along with corn and beans, in the diets of the ancient Aztecs and. Chia seed puddings are a simple, easy and versatile way to enjoy chia seeds. You can use black or white seeds, or milled chia seeds to make a pudding, and you can use. I have used a brand of chia seed that the producer claims absorbs 1. So be prepared to be flexible when adding chia seeds to make your pudding. Its fine to add more seeds a little at a time if you find your pudding is a little too thin for your liking. Before we left for our trip, I found myself with a couple pints of blueberries and a few spotted bananas to use up. Ive been meaning to make my strawberry chia. I love the recipe below on a cold winters morning. Just add to cold milk if you want it cold. Ingredients for one serve. Chia seeds. I cup of milk, soy milk, coconut milk or nut milksea salt to taste. Method. Heat the milk but do not boil. Whisk the chia seeds into the hot milk and let stand for 1. Whisk the mixture once or twice during the standing time to prevent the seeds clumping together. Reheat after standing if required or allow to cool completelyskice banana over the top and drizzle the honey over the top. Ideas. Use ground chia seeds instead of whole seeds. This is great for children and very warming on a cold winters day. Chocolate Chia seed pudding. Add Milo to the chia and milk mix. Kids love this. It s great with raspberries. Chia Seeds Benefits, Chia Side Effects Chia Seeds Recipes. Chicken Waterzooi here. Dr. Josh Axe is on a mission to provide you and your family with the highest quality nutrition tips and healthy recipes in the world. Sign up to get VIP access to his e. Books and valuable weekly health tips for FREE Free e. Book to boost. Gluten Free Recipes detox juicing guide. Shopping Guide premium newsletter.